Who doesn’t love a good shower? We all do, but that shower can wreck havoc on your home if the drain clogs.

Making sure the shower drain doesn’t clog is important to avoid water damage in your home. If you notice clogging, pour baking soda, followed by vinegar, down the drain to see if that will unclog it.

Obviously, this is a quick fix for perhaps a more serious issue. We definitely recommend calling a reputable plumbing company to fix the shower drain in a timely manner. This minor issue could turn into a major problem if it is not fixed. Who would have thought a shower drain could be such a big issue?

Mold Doctors have seen this on water damage jobs all over Knoxville too many times. From small showers that flood an entire floor to a shower that flooded several levels of a hotel!

Suffice it to say, if your shower drain is clogged – don’t ignore it! Otherwise, you may have to give us a call to help you in your time of need!